Know Your Council

Capital Improvement Projects

Performance Reports

Council Goals Performance Dashboard


Provide housing diversity affordable and accessible to all
Housing 1 - Increase Revenue
HS 1.1 - Submit Pro-Housing designation application click here to learn more
1. Submit Pro-Housing designation application to allow City to obtain priority status in state funding
HS 1.2 - Developing Inclusionary Housing Policy click here to learn more
1. Issue Nexus Study RFP and Initiate Nexus Study toward development of Inclusionary Housing Policy to create dedicated source of funding for mixed income housing
2. Complete Grants and fundraising activities to secure atleast $2M for Housing programs
Below Target
HS 1.3 - Property dispositions click here to learn more
1. Dispose of Successor Agency properties to replenish low mod funds and create more housing. 1) Sem Yeto 2) Hwy12
Housing 2 - Initiatives to reduce housing barriers
On Target
HS 2.1 - Implement Programs to promote community development and increase access to housing click here to learn more
1. Roll out ADU Program & Issue 2 Loans
2. Roll out First Time HomeBuyer Program
3. Provide Housing Rehabilitation Loans to help 10 households with emergency grants and loans to complete deferred maintenance
4. Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
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Housing 3 - Develop Mixed Income & Affordable housing
Below Target
HS 3.1 - Provide Subsidy Financing and City sponsorships for development and presentation of housing for extremely low and moderate income households click here to learn more
1. Issue NOFA to provide seed funding for developers to leverage additional resources to build affordable and mixed income housing.
2. Complete special projects that will assist the City in prioritizing housing options for the homeless and at risk of homeless population.
3. Complete closing and start construction of Parkside Flats
4. Initiate construction of 3 Habitat for Humanity homes on Woolner
5. Complete Construction of Pallet Shelter Project
6. Work with EAH to secure funding for Tabor Commons Project
Below Target
HS 3.2 - Identify housing needs to support Travis AFB click here to learn more
1. Work with TAFB to identify housing needs to support service members.
Housing Measures
Public Hearings Held for Projects
Development Entitlements
Number of Building Permits Issued
Building Safety Building Permit Fees Collected (millions)
Valuation of Building Permits Issued (millions)
Number of New Residential Units Processed - SFD
Number of New Residential Units Processed - APT
Number of Housing Choice Vouchers leased up
Households receiving public services which include meals, youth services, homeless services, and drug and violence prevention
Number of new development units in progress
Number of development units completed
Number of housing rehabilitation loans provided
Number of ADU/JADU projects completed
CDBG balance < 150% of grant funds
Legend: Complete Icon Complete | On Target Icon On Target | Near Target Icon Near Target | Below Target Icon Below Target | Future Data Icon Future Data | No Data Icon No Data

City of Fairfield
1000 Webster Street
Fairfield, CA 94533